Javed Chaudhry writes that Asif Ali Zardari looted this country, provided chance to his family members and friends to make money, sheltered the criminals of corruption and looting of PIA, Steel Mill, Railway, NICL… and still he believes that people will love him and come out in his favor???

ap bohat acha likhty ho.kash ap ko parh ke log 50 percent hi man ke chalty.siyasatdan to pakistan pe azab aur bhoj hain.Allah pakistani awam ko ain zalimon se bachay.aamin
yes bilkul theek kaha.agr ye tamam politician awam ky dukh dard ko apna samjhain ar apny ap ko public property bana dain tu dono aik dosray ky dost ban jain gay.like dr A.Q.khan,cheif justice woh log jb bhi road pr aain tu unko awam ki mohbat,pyar mila bcoz awam unko apna manti hay .jb bhi humary horos ko nuksan hoga tu leaders ar politician sy hoga.
But y we expect the character from our president which 99% of population doesnt have.
A dua for our beloved PRESIDENt
Dear Zardari
Get Hell Soon…..
Great sir………..
sir bilkul tek kaha hai ap nay………….
is dunya mai maa jaisa koi nahe………
may Allah live long of every human………….
I could not agree with you more, you have spoken the truth. If today someone were to ask me, whom do I respect most in Pakistan. My answer without hesitation would be Haji Abul Sattar Ehadi and I know, you would not ask me why. Because this man fulfils each and every condition you have mentioned above. He is the one who inspires people, even though I did not have the pleasure of meeting him, I’m sure, that he would not be sitting in his air-conditioned room and he would not be staying in five-star hotels. He is your real man.People like Zardari and Gilani are they two faces of the same coin. We should take a lesson from the Arab Spring before it is too late. Because of our selfish leadership, at first we lost half the country and now we are about to lose the other half as well.
Its a big reality of life , give and take, you are nothing without sacrifice.
Sacrifice of your precious thiings inclusive of time,power,justice and above all wealth.Unfortunately, our leadership is unaware of this very fact.
maa he auchi hia sir g hukmaran to farkeero say b neechy hain.wo b mang kar apny bucho ko la kar dyta hai.khud akyla nai khata