Javed Choudhry writes the details of why and how Zulfiqar Mirza came to the point where he revealed the hidden truths of Karachi. He also writes that if one Zulfiqar Mirza is present in each political party then system of the country will become on track.

javed sahib impreeive. . . .
iam your big fan but i have several reservation on you. . . and i have selfish reasons. . bieng a pukhtoon you are aganist our leaders nd puhtoon national parties. . . .
its suits your profeesionalism if u be a neutral person. . . . regards
Dear sir, please tell me about any type of business which is suitable for me in this conditions where I,am a bachelor of commerce pass person have desire to start my own small business with 50000 capital
Mirza sb garam garam khana chahte thy jab k Zardari sb thNda
karke ……doosre lafzoN meiN Mohtaram zardari sb ka khyaa hai
k saaNp bhi na mare aur laathi bhi na TooTe .HalaNkeh krte aisa
nhi haiN .waqaee Zardari sb ne iss kursi k liye beshumaar
qurbaniyaN di haiN ..apne khandaan ki nhi balkeh Buto Khandan
ki jis meiN KHususan apni bivi (benazir Bhuto) ki bhi Qurbaani
di ..jis k baad onheiN wo sab kuchh mil gya jis k liye sari planning
thi aur jis k khawab jane kab se deikh rahe thy lekin Mirza sb ne
aik hi jhaTke meiN sb khawab chikna choor kar diye .
Prof Riffat Mazhar
September 10, 2011
Mirza sb garam garam khana chahte thy jab k Zardari sb thNda
karke ……doosre lafzoN meiN Mohtaram zardari sb ka khyaa hai
k saaNp bhi na mare aur laathi bhi na TooTe .HalaNkeh krte aisa
nhi haiN .waqaee Zardari sb ne iss kursi k liye beshumaar
qurbaniyaN di haiN ..apne khandaan ki nhi balkeh Buto Khandan
ki jis meiN KHususan apni bivi (benazir Bhuto) ki bhi Qurbaani
di ..jis k baad onheiN wo sab kuchh mil gya jis k liye sari planning
thi aur jis k khawab jane kab se deikh rahe thy lekin Mirza sb ne
aik hi jhaTke meiN sb khawab chikna choor kar diye .
Prof Riffat Mazhar(riffat ch)
Zardari Sahab Fahimda Mirza Ko wapis Kar Do Warna
Zulfiqar MIrza Mukmal Pagal Ho Jayga…………………………
wel don zulfiqar mirza shb.khuda kray k ye barish ka pehla qatra sabit hon.
well, no doubt its a good sign. there should be one Mirza in each political party.
further, its all seems like now with the reference to the last night Altaf Hussain Press conference that there is something in the pond?
Javed sb thank God k apne Mirza Sb ki baton ko such mana….. I love reading your articles
is there any single politician or parties inclusive of religious parties in the country also Mirza saheb who can claim Mr.clean? Every one is brutly naked and only blaming each other, i pray Allah to forgive us and bestow us a Salahuddin or Mohammad Bin Qasim Ameen
Javed Sahib don’t you think it is “Too little too late”. Could Mr Mirza not have come out with the truth much earlier? Also it seems that the secrets that Rehman Malik holds are probably more sinister and that is the reason for sacrificing Zulfiqar Mirza and saving Rehman Malik. These revelations are horrendous and to think that there is no way out for this country to get rid of “these villains” is extremely distressing.
Aslam-o-alikum sir its me umar here and i want say something to u plz agree with me dis iz a link
and video with voice a bad wordz for altaf hussain i just want that plz is pe aik colunm likha jaye plz just aik colm jis ap ye btain k ye mazak ya asa sceen serious b ho skta hai so ase wordz na use kren in politicx view plz its a request sir m a big fan of u superb persnality sir u are:) ihope ap is pe aik frmaishi colm rite kren gay:P
جناب جو بھی ٹاپ انکرز نیوز کاسٹرز چینلز ملکانز سے ایک سوال ھے کے آج کراچی بہت شھدید باراش ھویں،جس میں پانچ خواتین ایک دوسرے کو بچاتے ہوے ھلاک ھو گیی کرنٹ لگنے کی وجہ سے تو سر آپ کتنے ایڈ چلاتےھیں بار بارایک ھی خبریں چلاتے ھیں کیا اپ ایسا نھیں کر سکتے کے ہر خبرنامیں کے آخر ایک احتیاطی بات یاد کروادایا کریں بار بار جس طرح پی ٹی وی میں ھوتا تھا گزارش ہے۔
apne beghairat punjabi leader nawaz sharif dakait per bhi to column likh. to mohajiron ka kuch nahi ker sakta. apne punjabi taasub ki ainak utar.
@ dr. sohail, plz donot mix up urdu speaking polite and hardworking natured people with the leadership of MQM. Urdu speaking muhajirs are true Pakistanis and have great sacrifices for Pakistan. You people whether have your own interests with these people or become blind in TAASUB. For Gods sake we should never mix good with bad KAHIN AISA NA HO KAY HAQ BAAT KA SAATH NA DAINAY PER ALLAH HAMARAY DILON PER MOHR LAGA DAY.
Deer ayed durest ayed! Well Done! Listen to your zameer but no one.
There are some questions which arise in my mind after reading these two columns. Some of the talks taking place confidentially between the president and his cronies have been quoted verbatim. What is the source of this? What is the authenticity of other information contained in the column? Besides, there are some obvious contradictions. On one hand Dr. Mirza has been alleged to patronize Lyari Gangs and accused of making efforts to capture the city of Karachi. On the other hand it has been written that he was in favor of siding with the right even if government had to be sacrificed for it. The readers may not find it easy to believe in Tota Maina Ki Kahani without authentic references quoted. The columnist is very fond of using English words in his Urdu columns. There is no word as “die heart” in English. The correct idiom is “die hard”.
mirza sab new Pakistan ke bunyad ma shamil ho gay ha mubarak ho
Aap ka gumaan acha hai lakin jab away ka awa hi bighra hua ho to phir jo bhi signs poori hojain kuch nahin ho sakta.
“Countering Violence In Karachi By Creating Coastal Province And By Using Separate Electoral System”.
Forecast of Quaid-e-Azam about Pakistan with reference to Provincialism,
( 28 March,1948,Dhaka)
“If we begin to think of ourselves as Bengalis, Punjabis, Sindhis etc. first and Muslims and Pakistanis only incidentally, then Pakistan is bound to disintegrate.”
Above forecast of Quaid-e-Azam was truly proved when in 1971 Pakistan disintegrated, and now still Pakistani nation is still going on same path.
Promotion of Provincialism and Ethnocentrism by President of Pakistan is highly deplorable, and is against the Constitution of Pakistan, in which it is the basic Policy principle of Constitution of Pakistan which directs to make efforts against provincialism but our president is trying to promote provincialism and ethnocentrism.
Investors of Ethnocentrism.
ANP, PPP and MQM are main beneficiaries and investors of ethnocentrism, provincialism and sectarianism and therefore Mr. Zardari is trying to divide Pakistani nation on such lines, and making statements such
• As people of other provinces are eating the resources of Baluchistan while in fact those are Balouch Sardars who are mostly involved in making properties in other provinces, Jamali sons behaving like land mafia and are having properties in Sindh, Mengal and Marri are having properties in Karachi, Moreover Mr. Zardari is himself involved in making properties in U.K. (Surrey Palace) and every where in Pakistan (from Marri to Guwadour)
• Punjab is taking the share of water of Sindh while infact it the Sindh Government which is wasting the River Indus water in land and in Arabian Sea. Due to which many parts of Sindh are suffering from problem of water accumulation leading to stagnant water in lakes and creating swamp lands and rise in sea level.
• People of Sindh will be converted to minority due to migration of Pukhtoons to Karachi, while in fact if whole of NWFP population move to Sindh even then it is simply impossible to convert people of Sindh into minority as population of NWFP is 15 Million and that of Sindh about 40 million.
Sindh and Karachi.
Presently people of Karachi and Sindh are also suffering from this disease and thousands of people have died due to this disease in only Karachi.
This disease makes people mad, blind and deaf ,This is the reason that although people of Karachi and Sindh are most educated in Pakistan and know very well that their leaders are terrorist, killers and corrupted but even then they supports to terrorist, killers and corrupted leaders, and there is no value of life in city of Karachi and Sindh.
As province of Sindh has totally failed in protecting life and property of people of different ethnic groups, So many people have died and murdered due to this disease of ethnocentrism but government of Sindh has taken no concrete measures to counter such murders and crimes, In the era of General Zia-ul-Haq when there used to be any information about any initiation of problem of law and order, Administration used to implement Curfew in the localities for prevention of further loss of life, but at present Provincial Sindh government (due to lust of power ) has totally failed in this regard.
Due to no commitment with any moral and ethical Ideology and due to disease of provincialism and ethnocentrism, criminals are committing their crimes freely and police Department is totally inefficient in protecting the life and property of people which is obvious from following examples.
1) Merciless killing and massacre in Karachi on 12 May 2008, in which police and provincial government were found helping the criminals, and officially no investigation was made by provincial government against such delirious crimes.
2) Loot and arson on 27 December 2008, on the day of death of Benazir Bhutto, free hand was given to criminals for each and every type of crime by provincial governments and police and Railway and transport of people of other provinces was main target of these criminals, and later on all cases against these criminals were removed by Chief Minister of Sindh as he is also Chief Justice of High Court.
3) 0n 27 December once again police of province failed event to protect the property of people and free hand was given to criminals in committing their crimes.
4) Target killing of citizens and youth belonging from different groups such as Pukhtoons, Punjabis, Sindhies, Balouch and Urdu speaking people, have become a common pratice, while provincial government has taken no step to counter these crimes, it looks as there is no value of life in front of Sindh government like that of Lalit Moodi government of state of Gujrat in India.
As mention above there is need to counter these crimes by changing the structure of the province and the difference in ethnicities could be used for stabilization of that region, the details of which are as follows.
Need of a new Province of Karachi.
• In scenario of uncontrollable region, it is required to create a new province with the name of “Karachi” including all coastal areas of Pakistan, from Thatta to Gwadar, by this the all coastal areas will come under the control of a new geographical entity and it will be easy for that province to administer and manage that same geography in better way with the help of Pakistan Navy.
• People of Karachi have all abilities and qualities to manage and administer to this new province, without any midwifery and interference from corrupted people like Nisar Khoro from Larkana and Mr. Zardari from Islamabad. In fact people of Karachi are much more noble and efficient, and moderate than these faggots.
• In view of creation of new provinces in Punjab, it is necessary to counter balance the political consequences of those new provinces to create a new province composed of all coastal areas of Pakistan.
• Continuous blood shed ,law and order break down, merciless murders of people has made it essential to take serious measures with reference to Karachi, instead of taking cosmetics and superficial measures to control the situation.
• The greatest problem with the main representative of Karachi, the MQM, is ambiguity and non clear policies, which is the main root cause of all troubles in Karachi.
• MQM is totally mistaken with reference to scenario of East Pakistan stranded Pakistanis, the main reason for their present condition was their fatal mistake of dispersing themselves in huge population of Bengalese and not accumulating their population in a single well designate area like Karachi. While at that time Chittagong Port was the best place for them to accumulate and demand some type of authority for themselves on the basis of their population, culture, and region.
• Whether any one accept or not the separate administrative unit of Karachi in the form of Province, a state, an agency or an autonomous region must be made to make some one responsible and accountable for the peace and security and saving the lives of people, whereas under the umbrella of interior Sindh rural Politicians and Islamabad Government officials Karachi will always remain a nuisance and common people will continue to die due to mismanagement and odd administration.
• By this all ports and coastal areas will come in the same province under one administration with its Head Quarter in Karachi.
• That New administration will improve chain of command and management of ports, coastal areas, fishery department in coastal regions.
• At present inclusion of coastal areas in Government of Sindh and Baluchistan government is very odd and unnatural, as usually Sindh Government officers have agricultural background and Capital of Baluchistan government is very remote and far away from coastal areas, therefore administration of coastal areas of Pakistan by a single administration in Karachi will be the best option.
• New Provincial Government will be more accountable with reference to law and order to federal government as compared to present ambiguous and complex structures of Provinces.
Name of New Province.
Name of New province should be as Karachi, Makran, Coastal Areas of Pakistan, or Muhajiran, Sahil-e-Muhajir as these coastal areas are mainly inhabitated by migrants from Africa, India, Interior Sindh, Interior Pakistan and is main location of migratory birds of Siberia.
By inclusion of all coastal areas in one province will make separation and cessation movements weaker in the country.
Victimization of Ethnic Minorities in Karachi and Sindh.
At present ethnic minorities in Karachi on city level are being victimized by MQM, because this party grab all provincial and national assembly seats in Karachi and do not allow other ethnic minorities to reach in the assemblies, and also grab all jobs in city institutions and do not provide proper share to other minorities and by taking the advantage of political situation of this large province all the rights of 52 % ethnic minorities are being hidden and concealed by this ethnic group which represent just 48% population of city.
Even in industries MQM do not force their owners to implement labor laws because MQM take bribes from these Industries. There fore these industries even do not issue appointment letters, gratuity, Provident fund, Medical and pension to their employees, although it should be MQM first priority and responsibility to implement labor laws, for electing themselves for assemblies.
People of Karachi are totally unable to purchase land for themselves while MQM workers have occupied the land of Musharaf Colonies built for evacuatees of Layari Express Way and Landhi and Orangi Cottage Schemes with the name of Altaf Nagar with the help of City Government, which provided this land to MQM WORKERS WITHOUT ANY BALLOTING AND PRICE and freely constructed them and handed over them with papers of lease.
Such ethnic politics is a very convenient and easy way to win seats by snatching bread from the mouth of ethnic minorities and by serving that bread to their favorite majority ethnic group.
PPP and INTERIOR SINDH are continuously victimizing and abusing people of city of Karachi, beginning from the start of inclusion of Karachi in Sindh Province after dissolution of one unit.
Before inclusion in Sindh Karachi was the model of progress in the world and was used by South Korea as a model for development of world trade centre in Korea, but after inclusion in Sindh, the lives of people of Karachi have become miserable and intoleratable. To victimize people of Karachi a quota system was started in Karachi so that jobs of Karachi could be grabbed both on national and provincial level although about 100% population of Karachi depends on jobs and services and there is no other source of income for them while people of interior Sindh are owners of all agricultural land of Sindh but still they grabbed all jobs in Sindh secretariat and there is no representation of local people of Karachi in that secretariat although that is situated in Karachi.
All jobs in Karachi Police, Pakistan steel mill, Pakistan railway, PIA, KESC and other government institutions are being grabbed by peoples who belong from Interior Sindh. Due to no emotional link with Karachi these incompetent rural people from interior Sindh do no work in these Government Institutions there fore all these institutions are dying and infrastructure of Karachi have totally shattered and law and order situation have totally destroyed.
Due to these factors people of Karachi are unable to find jobs in Karachi; therefore they are migrating to other countries and otherwise converting to criminals.
Due to victimization of Citizens of Karachi by ethnocentric and biased PPP policies. There is acute shortage of basic necessities in Karachi such as electricity, gas and water.
Shortage of electricity caused by corruption of PPP politicians with reference to Independent power plants and victimization and opposition of Kalabagh Dam due to biased and unfair policies of interior Sindh and PPP, lives of citizens of Karachi have become totally painful and miserable, as whole life of Citizens of Karachi from home to office or industry revolves with the availability of cheap electricity which is only possible from Dams like Kalabagh. Due to useless and baseless opposition of construction of Kalabagh Dam by interior Sindh politicians without having any concern importance of such cheap electricity for citizens of Karachi, which is like blood, oxygen and soul for people of Karcahi, therefore due to these negative policies people of Karachi are facing such acute shortage of electricity, that they never ever faced such shortage in their life before.
On one side PPP and Politicians of interior Sindh are enjoying huge availability of water from river Indus and freely wasting that water on land for irrigation due to which even ruins of Indus valley civilization are suffering from water logging and accumulation which these ruins have not suffered during previous four thousand years and uselessly wasting about ten million acres feet water in the Arabian sea, but on other side people of Karachi are suffering from acute shortage of water. In areas like Baldia Town and Lyari water is provided to citizens just once a month that is too just for one hour, from that one can imagine how much great victimization is going on in Karachi of its people. More over by victimization of PPP and MQM lives of people of Karachi has totally shattered, and people of Karachi feels as they are living in the era of apartheid like that of South Africa or are being forced to live as per caste system of ancient India.
Such ethnic and racial politics for PPP is a very convenient and easy way to win seats by snatching bread from the mouth of Citizens of Karachi and by serving that bread in the mouth of their favorite majority ethnic group of interior Sindh.
To further victimize to ethnic minorities and to violate and grab their rights Majority ethnic groups (PPP and MQM) are trying to increase their population in the city of Karachi, such as Sindh government forcing people of interior to migrate towards Karachi, MQM is trying to increase its vote bank by bringing Indian and Bangladeshi migrants in Karachi.
As mention above there is need to counter these crimes by changing the structure of the province and the difference in ethnicities could be used for stabilization of that region, the details of which are as follows.
Need of Separate Electoral System in Karachi. and Sindh.
Political Structure should be based on multiculturism and tolerance as these areas are inhabitated by many large and small ethnic groups there will be need to have separate electoral system in that province for Urdu speakers,Sindhi speakers, Pushtoo speakers, Punjabi speakers and Balouchi speakers and there should be seats in provincial assembly as per their population. By separate electoral system ethnic conflicts will be minimized and wastage of votes of ethnic minorities will come to an end. For this purpose there is need to start identification and counting of different minority ethnic groups in Karachi and Sindh so that their rights could be protected from biased and corrupted politicians and officials of majority ethnic groups.
• At present small ethnic minorities are unable to represent themselves in assemblies as majority ethnic group such as MQM, does not allow them to reach in assemblies by using each and every means, due to which smaller ethnic groups are suffering from distress in city of Karachi.
• On one side all politics of PPP and MQM depends on ethnocentrism of majority ethnic groups(Sindhies and Urdu Speakers) while on other side these same parties are brutally hiding, concealing and ignoring rights of ethnic minorities like Punjabis, Pukhtoons and Balouchies and even their existence although their population goes in millions.
• On one side PPP and MQM promoting culture and language of majority ethnic groups(Sindhies and Urdu Speakers) while on other side these same parties are forcing ethnic minorities like Punjabis, Pukhtoons and Balouchies to abandon their culture and languages.
• Due to victimization of ethnic minorities by MQM and PPP and policy of pleasing of just their favorite ethnic groups (Sindhies and Urdu Speakers), City of Karachi and Sindh have become hell on earth, more people are dying and more victimization is going on in Karachi and Sind daily than Kashmir and Palestine.
Need of a new Province of Karachi.
• In scenario of uncontrollable region, it is required to create a new province with the name of “Karachi” including all coastal areas of Pakistan, from Thatta to Gwadar, by this the all coastal areas will come under the control of a new geographical entity and it will be easy for that province to administer and manage that same geography in better way with the help of Pakistan Navy.
• People of Karachi have all abilities and qualities to manage and administer to this new province, without any midwifery and interference from corrupted people like Nisar Khoro from Larkana and Mr. Zardari from Islamabad. In fact people of Karachi are much more noble and efficient, and moderate than these faggots.
• In view of creation of new provinces in Punjab, it is necessary to counter balance the political consequences of those new provinces to create a new province composed of all coastal areas of Pakistan.
• Continuous blood shed ,law and order break down, merciless murders of people has made it essential to take serious measures with reference to Karachi, instead of taking cosmetics and superficial measures to control the situation.
• The greatest problem with the main representative of Karachi, the MQM, is ambiguity and non clear policies, which is the main root cause of all troubles in Karachi.
• MQM is totally mistaken with reference to scenario of East Pakistan stranded Pakistanis, the main reason for their present condition was their fatal mistake of dispersing themselves in huge population of Bengalese and not accumulating their population in a single well designate area like Karachi. While at that time Chittagong Port was the best place for them to accumulate and demand some type of authority for themselves on the basis of their population, culture, and region.
• Whether any one accept or not the separate administrative unit of Karachi in the form of Province, a state, an agency or an autonomous region must be made to make some one responsible and accountable for the peace and security and saving the lives of people, whereas under the umbrella of interior Sindh rural Politicians and Islamabad Government officials Karachi will always remain a nuisance and common people will continue to die due to mismanagement and odd administration.
• By this all ports and coastal areas will come in the same province under one administration with its Head Quarter in Karachi.
• Inclusion of coastal areas from Thatta to Gwadar and separate electoral system will help to counter any ethnic and racial politics in new province due to presence of a balance in the population of different ethnic groups and their proportional representation in the assemblies.
• That New administration will improve chain of command and management of ports, coastal areas, fishery department in coastal regions.
• At present inclusion of coastal areas in Government of Sindh and Baluchistan government is very odd and unnatural, as usually Sindh Government officers have agricultural background and Capital of Baluchistan government is very remote and far away from coastal areas, therefore administration of coastal areas of Pakistan by a single administration in Karachi will be the best option.
• New Provincial Government will be more accountable with reference to law and order to federal government as compared to present ambiguous and complex structures of Provinces.
Name of New Province.
Name of New province should be as Karachi, Makran, Coastal Areas of Pakistan, or Muhajiran, Sahil-e-Muhajir as these coastal areas are mainly inhabitated by migrants from Africa, India, Interior Sindh, Interior Pakistan and is main location of migratory birds of Siberia.
By inclusion of all coastal areas in one province will make separation and cessation movements weaker in the country.
From above observations, suggestions and predictions, its quite clear that present ethnic conflicts and loss of life in Karachi and Victimization of citizens from Interior Sindh PPP politicians and MQM could be minimized by Creation of a new province on coastal areas of Pakistan and by using separate electoral system for different ethnic and religious minorities in that province.
By this it will be possible to counter those who are trying to cultivate hatred and confrontation in different segments of society on the basis of ethnocentrism, provincialism and sectarianism, so that they can victimize ethnic minorities and weaker groups just to please their favorite Majority ethnic groups.
Written By:
we dont need just one zulfiqar mirza in every political party but we need ton of them. I will include one more thing, Pakistan can not wait that long to become realistic. It should be a bit faster now since Pakistan is suffering allot of wounds. To be honest we dont need any of these current political parties regardless if they are major or minor, because all of them want to just rule and loot the country and non of them is truthful and sincere. Majority of there leaders and major icons are corrupts, liers, thieves and thugs. we need leaders whoms financial position doesn’t improve after comming into power. All these current politicians show their difference with each other in front of the people but they are same internally and they support each other. Lets take an example of MQM, who demands the key ministries in Sinds and they want control on the key positions. Why they would want to contrl police?? No one should control police but only law should do that. Why they are against the commitionery system? just because they want to favour their own people. Why MQM is hijacking the common people and why they want to keep alive the word Muhajir? the reason is they want political benifits otherwise they dont give a shit to the common people and according to the news they have torture cells and their alies in government dont do anything agains these illegal things.
Abe to PPP ka aik Jayala bola ha… many moor will come…. next is Ahtazaz Hasain, then Jahanjir badar, and many moor…. it will be ok,, try to avoid Dictator…. warna ghar jamati intekhab ke namm per PPP ko marne.. MQM aur Spah e ??? bante rahin ge…Chaudhry Sb kise parte se kohe nahe aahe ga… sirf PPP se aahe ga… warna Imran too javid se hath nahe milata who roze rakh ke cricket khalta tha.. aur karachi ke gande galyoon main pada hoha tha… Use too kohe pakistani orat pasand nahe aate jis se wo shadi karee…
blkl theek kaha sir.Allah hamary politicians ko hidayat dy.aameen
Javed sahb!! Mere khyal mein agr pakistan se sirf aur sirf cruption khtm kr d jaey to hr chez behtr ho skti hai!!! Am i right..?